HeartMath® Programs for Organizations and Individuals
HeartMath® is an organization focused on practical, scientifically validated, evidence-based techniques and technology to help you self-regulate your body’s response to stress and build resilience. You will learn life-long skills you can use at any time to increase well-being, personal and professional performance, and quality of life experience, reinforced by our engaging, real-time monitoring and feedback technology. Boost Resilience, Composure, and Clarity.
The HeartMath system provides heart-centered self-regulation and resilience-building skills. By practicing these easy-to-learn tools and techniques, individuals learn to take charge of their mental, emotional, and physical systems.
As a HeartMath® Certified Coach and Trainer, Stacey is credentialed to share the HeartMath techniques and technology to help her clients reduce stress and anxiety and help them build resilience. She provides HeartMath expertise to Upstate manufacturing companies – with a focus on the automotive sector, as well as law enforcement, fire departments, and other first responders. She also provides one-on-one coaching to individuals, some referred by their doctor or cardiologist.
Our mission is to provide services that increase companies’ bottom lines and create an environment that promotes innovation, cooperation, communication, and improved quality. “The HeartMath certification program taught me an array of research-based techniques to help people increase their resilience in today’s emotional climate and connect with their heart’s intuitive wisdom for higher choices and guidance.”
Companies and Organizations provide HeartMath workshops for their employees to boost performance, refine communication skills, enhance decision-making and creativity, strengthen personal and professional relationships, and reverse stress’s negative impact on health and quality of life. Those who go through the HeartMath training often see improvements in sleep, the ability to maintain composure in challenging environments, quick judgment, and adaptive thinking, and the capacity to reset after tough experiences.
Understanding and Using the Science of HeartMath
Using HeartMath Science from HeartMath on Vimeo.
What does Heart Coherence look like?
Improving Performance:
Key Issues
Most organizations now accept that continuous change and transformation have become the norm in a global economy, while the pressure to deliver in this environment is having a major impact on business performance in addition to impairing the health of employees. Many organizations realize they have both a desire and responsibility to act.
The issue for these companies is that there have been few interventions that can be objectively measured to make a positive impact and even fewer that can be sustained over time. In short, companies have struggled to find a solution to what has become a major obstacle to business performance in the 21st century.
Numerous scientific studies have now shown that excessive pressure directly impacts the internal physiological processes of individuals. This impact on the internal processes undermines performance, reduces perceptual clarity, and directly impairs personal performance. Conversely, studies have demonstrated that peak performance can be achieved and sustained, and the underlying mechanisms are now well understood.
Evidence of Impact
HeartMath interventions go beyond the theory of behavior management and have been shown to deliver measurable and sustainable improvements globally in personal performance, staff turnover, personal health, and, thereby, organizational effectiveness. View the PDF which contains Subjective Data including improvements in well-being and Objective Data including lowering blood pressure.
- More resilience and vitality
- Overall sense of well-being
- Mental clarity and focus
- Improved relationships
- Sustain peak performance
- Increased composure in challenging situations
- Better cooperation among co-workers and team members
- Listen and communicate more effectively—personally and professionally.
- Worry, overwhelm and feelings of anxiousness
- Sleeplessness and fatigue
- Negative impact stress has on your body and mind
- Less Miscommunication
Please contact Stacey for more information now.
Results that Count
Are you ready to:
- Feel better more often
- Boost your performance
- Find more work/life balance
- Expand your flexibility and resilience
- Enhance your decision making and creativity
- Refine your communication skills
- Strengthen your personal and professional relationships
- Reverse the negative impact stress is having on your health, work, and quality of life
HeartMath is the only scientifically-validated system of stress intervention techniques and objective biometric feedback that quantifiably—and dramatically—boosts the health and performance of individuals and organizations. Nearly 1,400 people at six global companies showed the following results were sustained after six months after taking HeartMath® training:
- 60% reduction in anxiety
- 45% reduction in exhaustion
- 41% reduction in intent to leave the job
- 24% improvement in the ability to focus
- 25% improvement in listening ability
- 17% improvement in home/work conflict
HeartMath® Testimonials (source HeartMath):
“I completed the 4-week individual executive telephone coaching session and found it to be an effective tool for me to deal with stress and to increase my productivity, clarity of thinking, intuitive listening and energy. I see (this program) as a management tool to help boost employee performance, creativity, and health resulting in greater productivity, reduced absenteeism and better attitudes. What better time than now?”
― VP EH&S, Fortune 500 company
“It’s just amazing the kind of focus and clarity you can get by simply blocking out the other noise. It’s very powerful.”
― Process Engineer, Fortune 50 high tech company
“As I balance a full-time law enforcement career, time with my family and working on my dissertation for a doctoral degree in education; the Freeze-Framer® allows me to be more balanced and in control of the emotional and mental fatigue this kind of schedule can bring on. In addition, I’ve also noticed that it’s easier for me to be removed or be objective when it comes to politics in the organization.”
― Sergeant, CA Police Department
“I practice the techniques in the afternoon, on the way home, and at bedtime, and I don’t feel my usual afternoon blahs. Not only that, I’m actually getting a bunch of critical stuff done, and my resting pulse is around 5 beats lower than usual. All I can say is, ‘Wow!’”
― Sr. Systems Engineer, Customer Success Engineering
“I think for people in our high-pressure situations, it’s really a fantastic technique …helps you stay under control, think clearly.”
― Advanced Technical Support (ATS) Escalation Manager – Fortune 50 high tech company
“HeartMath is the owner’s manual we’ve been waiting for to help us recognize and use our hearts energy to help heal our bodies and our lives.”
― Christiane Northrup, MD, author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom
“HeartMath tools took 7 strokes off my golf game, fast, once I really understood the process. Plus, I’ve seen the way to reduce my score more.”
– D.M., San Diego
“Not only were my mental skills continually improving, but they were working in game conditions, not just practice.”
– Billy Cundiff, NFL Football, former Baltimore Ravens
“The HeartMath program has allowed me to easily de-stress myself, even with all of the challenges and opportunities that arise in everyday life. Since (my) HeartMath training, I find that I can respond to demands and priorities with more focus and feel far more ready to make reasonable and thoughtful decisions…”
HeartMath is a registered trademark of Quantum Intech, Inc. (dba HeartMath, Inc.).
For all HeartMath trademarks go to www.heartmath.com/trademarks