GCS In The News
- Golden Career Strategies President Stacey Bevill earns Certified Career Services Provider (CCSP) credential from National Career Development Association (NCDA)
- Golden Career Strategies President Stacey Bevill earns Taking Flight with DISC Certification
- SC Biz News’ 2024 Manufacturing Power List honorees include Golden Career Strategies CEO, Stacey Bevill, PCC.
- Golden Career Strategies CEO Stacey Bevill joins board for South Carolina Roundtable, part of Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP)
- Connected by Community, Episode 90 Golden Career Strategies 28-Feb-24
Are you looking to empower yourself, or your organization to its full potential? Golden Career Strategies offers services such as leadership and organizational development, coaching for teams and individuals, onboarding and outplacements, assessments/workshops, change management, and succession planning. Tune in to learn more about how Golden Career Strategies can help you or your business and what networking and roundtable events they have coming up soon. - Let’s Talk Business with Rick Jenkins, EP30: An Executive You Should Know: Stacey Bevill 27-Feb-2024
- ICF SC Member Spotlight 02-February-2024
- Golden Career Strategies adds LPI 360 Assessment to service offerings 13-Feb-24
- Golden Career Strategies CEO Stacey Bevill joins Board of Trustees for University Center of Greenville 6-Dec-23
- Golden Career Strategies offering special Veterans Day gift 2-Nov-23
- ATDSC SIG Leader – Career Transitions17-Dec-22
- ATDSC Learning Enthusiast17-Dec-22
- Golden Career Strategies announces special Veterans Day offer 7-Nov-22
- Safe Harbor provides HeartMath® training for staff to build resiliency 26-Oct-22
- Golden Career Strategies CEO Stacey Bevill earns specialty designations for Board Certified Coach (BCC) credential from the Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE) 3-Oct-22
- Golden Career Strategies President Stacey Bevill earns Harrison Assessments Debriefing and Coaching Accreditation 27-Jul-22
- Student Spotlight: Stacey Bevill, Courses: Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and Leadership & Management, Greenville Tech Pathways, Jan – Jun 2022
- Golden Career Strategies President Stacey Bevill earns Professional Certified Coach credential from International Coach Federation 18-May-22
- ATDSC Member Spotlight 12-March-22
- Golden Career Strategies announces special Veterans Day offer 4-Nov-21
- Golden Career Strategies adds Change Management to portfolio of services 13-Jul-21
- Golden Career Strategies adds Myers-Brigg Type Indicator to portfolio of services 10-Mar-21
FEBI Coach Spotlight – Stacey Bevill
January 22, 2021
I had the chance to e-interview FEBI Coach Stacey Bevill about her work and FEBI.
Question 1 – What attracted you to the FEBI?
I learned about FEBI from Embright’s Amanda Blake. I was fascinated by the concept of combining somatics with a leadership assessment tool. I knew I would become FEBI Certified when I understood that this is much more than identifying one’s leadership style. This assessment, combined with coaching, enables one to access each of the four leadership patterns: visionary, organizer, driver, and collaborator.
Question 2 – How are you using the FEBI in your work?
I use FEBI with individuals and with teams. The assessment and coaching empower by creating self-awareness and instruction on how to access each leadership style. This awareness enables one to access the pattern that will be most effective in a current situation regardless of if you are in a meeting, preparing to focus on a task, or engaging your team for an upcoming project.
Question 3 – What would you tell someone who is considering becoming FEBI certified?
I highly recommend the FEBI assessment certification. It is so much more powerful than merely identifying traits or styles. This assessment offers the opportunity to embody all four leadership styles. This testimonial explains why this assessment is so valuable:
“As I reflect on the FEBI and our debrief discussion, I am left with the idea of wisdom acceleration. FEBI can guide someone or a team to reflect on their communication style and what they are ‘saying’ non-verbally. To take the time to self-reflect and to be open to the resulting wisdom often comes with age and experience. The FEBI presents it now, providing a path to desired individual and team results.
Too often, leadership teams believe that an underperforming team is due to the team members. I would suggest that leadership and intra-team communication is the underlying cause. The FEBI, when embraced, can build true and lasting ways of communicating that quickly eclipse other forced and artificial methods espoused elsewhere. I’m impressed.” -Senior Consultant and Coach
Another reason is that what my clients learn with FEBI is sustainable. Here is a client review from the president of an international company that indicates how the assessment helped his team:
“Your assessment and coaching are truly valuable and sustainable.
Our weekly meetings and day-to-day conversations are now filled with an awareness of each other’s energy patterns and how to apply them to our work and relationships.
We see where to strengthen and compensate for each other in complete respect. Our new knowledge has also provided a great source for humor and team building. Our load has been lightened by it, and we’re more united and stronger than ever.”
If there is an interesting fact about yourself:
I am excited to be the first FEBI certified coach in South Carolina and am a proud volunteer for One to One: Women Coaching Women and Stand Beside Them
Stacey Bevill uses a unique assessment tool to tap professional potential
The test I took from Stacey Bevill’s coaching firm confirms that I’m a “Very Low Organizer”: “Your spontaneity makes others who need more structure uncomfortable. You may not care so much what others think of you, which may make you less sensitive to feedback.”
Here’s the thing about that feedback from the Focus Energy Balance Indicator test, though: It’s spot-on.
“There’s nothing woo-hoo about this,” says, Bevill, the first FEBI-certified coach in South Carolina and one of only 25 in the U.S. She now uses the instrument in her work as president of Golden Career Strategies.
FEBI (sounds like “Phoebe”) stems from nearly 100 years of research. In the 2000s, Dr. Ginny Whitelaw, who has a Ph.D. in biophysics from the University of Chicago and once worked with NASA, developed FEBI with Mark Kiefaber. Whitelaw is now CEO of the Institute of Zen Leadership; IZL owns FEBI.
“FEBI in my mind is really understanding what you’re trying to achieve,” says Steve Olson, who sold Golden Career Strategies to Bevill in 2017; he had purchased the outplacement and career-development company from Myles Golden, who started the firm in 2002.
“It’s like another tool in the toolbox,” he says. “How do I make myself more productive? How do I make myself a better communicator?”
Of the test he also took, Olson says, “The idea is not helping you just finding a job, it’s supposed to be transformational. It’s supposed to change your approach to life.”
FEBI generates an Energy Balance Profile with four energy types: Driver, Organizer, Collaborator and Visionary.
“I love the fact that it doesn’t just label you,” Bevill says of FEBI, “but it says, ‘Here are four different ways that you can work.’ You have access to all of these, so it’s not like a pigeonhole: ‘Here you are; deal with it.’ It’s, ‘Here you are, and here are opportunities for growth.’”
That is, the assessment aims at helping you balance your energies to enhance leadership effectiveness and personal growth.
Bevill, who started her own marketing company 21 years ago, hasn’t stopped growing as owner and president of the Greenville-based Golden Career Strategies. She has earned certifications from Case Western Reserve University; Terry College of Business at the University of Georgia; Newfield Network Executive Coach Training School; and Clemson’s Institute for Entrepreneurial Leadership.
Emily Alpert, FEBI operations manager at the Wisconsin-based institute, worked with Bevill in IZL’s fall program.
“One of the first things that immediately comes to mind is that she just is truly a delight,” Alpert says. “This will sound corny, but Stacey radiates the same type of energy for me as what I expect from a field of sunflowers.”
Bevill hopes she can use FEBI to help professionals blossom, too.
“I thought that this is an incredible tool,” she says, “because I don’t want to be in a position where I give somebody an assessment and it’s like. oh, well, that’s just how you are. I want people to be able to be the best they can be.”
How does FEBI work?
The test measures four “energy patterns”: Driver, Organizer, Collaborator and Visionary. FEBI also focuses on movement, body language and other physical manifestations of leadership strengths (and weaknesses):
“These energy patterns, based in the way the nervous system functions, show up at every level: in how you move, feel, think, work, lead or relate to others and behave in the world,” the assessment says, to wit:
- Driver: Direct, challenging, loves to win, stays on point. Characteristic movement: pushing, thrusting
- Organizer: Steady, disciplined, does the right thing, one step at a time. Characteristic movement: holding form, shape
- Collaborator: Engaging, enthusiastic people-person, fun-loving. Characteristic movement: to and fro, swinging
- Visionary: Thinks big, outside the box, open to new ideas, lets go. Characteristic movement: extending, hanging
Source: Flow Energy Balance Indicator. Used by permission. Developed by Ginny Whitelaw, Ph.D. and Mark Kiefaber, © 2005-2020, IZL. All rights reserved. This report may not be reproduced without permission. FEBI is a trademark of IZL

FEBI’s results
The test took me about 17 minutes to complete. I soon received a 17-page assessment and a follow-up debriefing from Golden Career Strategies’ president and owner, Stacey Bevill, the only FEBI-certified coach in South Carolina.
The results, loaded with charts and graphs and lots of fascinating reading, offer an all-too-accurate portrayal. Among other things, I am a “High Collaborator,” which means:
- Playful
- Funny
- Goes back and forth on decisions
- Builds consensus
- Talks a lot
- Values cooperation and teamwork
- Optimistic
- Enthusiastic
- Political
- Sometimes says one thing and does another
- Not always taken seriously.
I score as a “Moderate Driver” (on the low side), a “High Visionary” (also on the low end), a “High Collaborator” (122 points out of 140) and a “Very Low Organizer.”
Further, the document provides tips on how to strengthen these things. To boost my (very real) low organization skills, FEBI says, “Nothing will increase your ease in the Organizer pattern more than moving in it. Develop a 20- to 30-minute-a-day practice doing the following types of activities,” such as:
- Ballet, waltz, and dances of precise form
- Meditation, reflection, time to pause
- Walking, jogging (and other step-by-step activities)
- Word puzzles, logic puzzles
- Ceramics
- Paint-by-number
- Dressage (formal horseback riding)
- Kayaking (slow and easy)
- Synchronized swimming
- Marching band and other drill squads
Makes a lot of sense. It takes no small time-management organizational skill for me to take an hourlong bike ride on the Swamp Rabbit Trail.
Source: Personal assessment, FEBI.
In honor of Veterans Day this week (11/11/2020), Golden Career Strategies is offering the first 50 veterans that register online a complimentary Stress + Wellbeing Assessment that includes a 30-minute review and tips for reducing stress + building resilience.
Golden Career Strategies President Stacey Bevill becomes South Carolina’s first FEBI® Certified Coach, Greenville, SC
November 10, 2020
FEBI was developed by Ginny Whitelaw, Ph.D. and Mark Kiefaber, © 2005-2020, IZL. All rights reserved. FEBI is a trademark of IZL.
Golden Career Strategies Acquired by Ask and Receive Coaching President Stacey Bevill
Stacey W. Bevill, BCC, ACC, NCC, MPM® recently acquired long-standing coaching and consulting company, Golden Career Strategies.
Greenville, SC, September 29, 2020 — Stacey Bevill, Founder and President of Upstate-based Ask and Receive Coaching, recently acquired the long-standing coaching and consulting firm, Golden Career Strategies. Golden Career Strategies (GCS) was founded in 2002 by Myles Golden, who passed in 2017…
Ask and Receive Coaching CEO Stacey Bevill Earns Board Certified Coach (BCC) Credential from Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE)
September 17, 2020
Stacey W. Bevill, BCC, ACC, NCC, MPM®, is one of only 55 Board Certified Coaches in South Carolina with fewer than 10 BCCs in the Greenville-Spartanburg Area.
Greenville, SC, September 17, 2020 — Stacey Bevill, Founder and President of Greenville-based Ask and Receive Coaching, recently earned the prestigious designation of Board Certified Coach (BCC) from the Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE). The BCC credential is a mark of distinction for credential holders and a source of credibility for their clients. Board Certified Coaches have met professional coaching competency standards established by CCE and subject matter experts. One of fewer than 10 Board Certified Coaches based in the Greenville-Spartanburg Area, Bevill joins an elite group of only 55 BCCs statewide….
Ask and Receive Coaching’s CEO Stacey Bevill becomes HeartMath® Certified Trainer
February 18, 2020
Stacey Bevill, founder and CEO of Ask and Receive Coaching (a division of Ask and Receive, Inc.), has added another professional designation – HeartMath® Certified Trainer – to her long list of professional credentials. This is Bevill’s third certification from the HeartMath® Institute, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people to create and maintain a state of operational flow as they move through their daily challenges. She earned the prestigious HeartMath® Certified Coach and the Stress & Well-Being Assessment Provider designations last spring. Bevill is one of a select few in South Carolina with HeartMath® credentials…
Stacey Bevill adds HeartMath® Certified Coach to list of professional credentials
April 23, 2019
Stacey Bevill, founder and CEO of Ask and Receive Coaching LLC, recently earned the prestigious designation of HeartMath® Certified Coach from the HeartMath® Institute, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people to create and maintain a state of operational flow as they move through their daily challenges. HeartMath is an evidence-based system that teaches heart-centered self-regulation and resilience building skills. By practicing these easy to learn tools and techniques, individuals learn to take charge of their mental, emotional, and physical systems…
Stacey Bevill:
Completes Lean Six Sigma Green Belt for Manufacturing and Service Certification of Training, 04/2019
Becomes a Certified HeartMath Coach, 03/2019
Earns “Conversational Intelligence Enhanced Practitioner” designation, 12/2018
Completes training for IATF 16949: 2016 – Understanding Standard and Auditing, 10/2018
Completes training for ISO 9001:2015 Standard & Internal/Supplier Auditor, 10/2018
Opens new office: 4109 E North Street, Suite 300A, Greenville, SC 29615, 09/18
Earns Inspired Leadership Specialization Certification, Case Western Reserve University, 08/2018
Earns Coaching Skills for Managers Certification, University of California, Davis, 05/2018
Awarded MPM® – Master Project Management Certification, 03/18
Ask and Receive Coaching CEO Stacey Bevill earns Associate Certified Coach credential from International Coach Federation
April 17, 2018
Stacey W. Bevill, ACC, NCC, MPM® is one of only 50 ICF Certified Coaches in South Carolina.
Stacey Bevill, founder and CEO of Ask and Receive Coaching LLC, recently earned the prestigious designation of Associate Certified Coach (ACC) from the International Coach Federation (ICF). ICF offers the only independent and internationally recognized coach credentialing program…
Stacey Bevill finds her career passion as the new owner of Golden Career Strategies
It would take more than two decades, but Bevill says she now is doing what she was born to do as the new owner of Golden Career Strategies.
Bevill first crossed paths with legendary GCS founders Myles and Ann Golden when she joined Greenville Downtown Evening Rotary Club as a new business owner almost 20 years ago.
“I built the first Reedy River Duck Derby website for the club and based on that, Ann introduced me to Myles,” Bevill explains. That introduction led to Bevill building a new website for Golden Career Strategies and a 15-year relationship that spanned Golden’s ownership and that of Steve Olsen who purchased the company following Golden’s death in 2017.
“I was fascinated by how well Myles helped people in different ways – networking and meeting people where they were,” Bevill said. “I knew I was born to do that kind of work. The more I experienced life and coaching and counseling, the more I wanted to be a coach and I thought that one day I would be one of Myles’ coach consultants.”
After graduating from college with a bachelors in sociology and a minor in psychology, Bevill’s next step was to earn a master’s in counseling. But when life took a different turn, she established Ask and Receive Inc., a marketing firm specializing in web programming, design, hosting and search engine optimization.
“I spent most days working alone,” Bevill recalls. “I’m an extrovert so I was energized by helping others and interacting with others. Seeing the results of those (career) assessments was kind of laughable to me because I had spent 20 years doing work that I did well but wasn’t suited for my personality.”
But after the detour years earlier, a career correction occurred late last year when Olsen approached Bevill about buying his company.
Bevill draws from her own career transition experience to teach GCS clients how to find a job and a career that they are passionate about.
“The gift of being in transition is the opportunity to decide what you really want to do with your life and in your work,” Bevill said. “A job search can be isolating, so we offer a team of coaches and consultants to support you.”
With a group of 12 seasoned career coaches and consultants, Golden Career Strategies works with companies on organizational development, onboarding, individual and group coaching, leadership development and training, talent retention, job sculpting, communication and resilience building, employee engagement, and individual and team assessments.
For example, Bevill is the only career coach in South Carolina certified in Focus Energy Balance Indicator (FEBI) Assessment, which identifies the leadership patterns individuals typically use.
“People show up as a driver, organizer, collaborator or visionary,” Bevill explains. “If everyone in the company is a visionary, who’s doing the work?”
GCS also works with individuals from administrative to senior executives, and offers a program called CareerStart™ for those just out of college. GCS coaches specialize in encore careers, entrepreneurship and opportunities for veterans who are transitioning from military to civilian jobs.
For those interested in discussing their career transition efforts with coaches and other job seekers, GCS offers a free roundtable meeting every Monday morning from 9 a.m. until 10 a.m.
“The roundtables are an opportunity for those who are looking for jobs or advice to have a voice and be part of community,” Bevill said. “We hold them on Monday mornings to enable people to get a jump start on the week. When you’re looking for a job, that needs to be your full-time job, so joining the roundtable is a great way to get people inspired.”
Roundtables also give participants the chance for networking and netweaving, Bevill adds. For those who may not know the difference, here are the definitions:
- Networking is the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions specifically: the cultivation of productive relationships for the benefit of my employment or business.
- Netweaving is built on the concept of helping others build or add to their network for their benefit. By acting as a connector for others and practicing the law of reciprocity, the process is a win-win-win.
To view upcoming roundtable topics and to register, go HERE.
GCS also offers a one-hour complimentary introduction to the company and its services. Go HERE to choose an appointment type.